How to Convert 3d Autocad Drawing to 2d

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Command to change 3D CAD to 2D CAD drawing



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257817 Views, 14 Replies

Command to change 3D CAD to 2D CAD drawing

I have a drawing that was drawn in 3D CAD and I need to convert to 2D CAD. I changed the view, but I cannot remember what the command is I need to type in to change to 2D. Can anyone help?

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FLATSHOT explained in HELP.


Command "FLATTEN" if you want to select only particular objects to make 2D.

Autodesk AutoCAD Map 3D 2016
Windows 7 Professional
Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4430 CPU @ 3.00 GHz
8.00 GB RAM


If it is solids 3D - forget flatshot forget flatten (old technology).

viewbase is the command you need.


Autodesk Inventor 2019 Certified Professional
Autodesk AutoCAD 2013 Certified Professional
Certified SolidWorks Professional

The CADWhisperer YouTube Channel


JD Mather, thanks.

I have just posted an query on this.

It is working in mech 2014


Hello JDMather

I would like to explore the viewbase command.  I think it may resolve my issues.  Short version of my problem is linking CAD files into Revit.  Our customer is delivering 3D DWG files that we are linking into Revit.  Some of these files will not link.  Attached is a screenshot of the prompt Revit gives me when it does not like the CAD file I am trying to link.  If I can transform these 3D CAD files into a 2D CAD model, I believe Revit will allow them to be linked.  During my walkthrough tutorials for the viewbase command, I never found a way to transform the 3D model to 2D and keep the scale as it is in model space.  Any direction would be helpful.



You forgot to attach an example *.dwg file here.

Would you like for me to take my time to create the example?

I found 5 places to control/edit the Scale.

view scale.png

Autodesk Inventor 2019 Certified Professional
Autodesk AutoCAD 2013 Certified Professional
Certified SolidWorks Professional

The CADWhisperer YouTube Channel


That would be fantastic.  Attached is one of the most complex files that will not link into Revit.  Would it be too much work to record video of the process?


That file looks to be a bit of a mess?

I was expecting only 3D solids.

I think I see a tremendous amount of duplication - I would normally place once instance (of each) and pattern.

Autodesk Inventor 2019 Certified Professional
Autodesk AutoCAD 2013 Certified Professional
Certified SolidWorks Professional

The CADWhisperer YouTube Channel


The CAD file was exported from Bentley software.  These guys are not modeling in Autodesk programs.  Will the viewbase command work for this 3D CAD model?


You have a complicated workflow going on.

I recommend that you have your VAR come in and set up a systematic workflow.

I don't think the job will be easy - expect to spend significant money.

Autodesk Inventor 2019 Certified Professional
Autodesk AutoCAD 2013 Certified Professional
Certified SolidWorks Professional

The CADWhisperer YouTube Channel



>> I think I see a tremendous amount of duplication

I fully agree with JDMather and want to add that 3D objects seem to be

  • lost partially ... and
  • moved (so the 2D XY-position does not match the 3D XY-position

So I guess the convertion failed, you should be really careful proceeding with this data!

- alfred -

Ingenieur Studio HOLLAUS ... ... ... CDay 2022
(not an Autodesk consultant)


Thank you all for taking a look.


I have a file that has some extruded line segments and polylines, I've tried flatten and flat shot, will this command keep 'flatten' objects and keep them on the same layers/retain the properties of my working file?



Thank you for your infomation.

I succed it with other method on AutoCad mechanical 2021 and INVENTOR PROFESSIONAL(3D).

First of all, I made 2d from INVENTOR PROFESSIONAL(3D). Next, I imported it to method on AutoCad mechanical 2021. After that, I copied it to Diagram of purpose.

Thank you for your advice.


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